Thursday, January 15, 2009

Try new things!

How many wonderful fruits and veggies has God made that you have not ever tried? I know I still have many, many to try. I know that when you walk into the produce section it may seem a bit scary. Don't be afraid to grab the nearest "helper" in the store. Ask questions, or heck just grab some funny looking stuff, read the name, then take it home and google how to make something out of it. You will be suprised how interesting alot of it can be. With it being in the produce section, it usually doesn't cost too much and is a whole lot better for you than the packaged stuff. For instance, a Jicama is a Mexican potato. It is a root that you peel. I cut mine into sticks. It is sweet and crunchy. A perfect fix for those with the "crunchies." Joshua's Papaw introduced me to this a couple of years back. I also like to eat turnips with him too. Toss a little salt on top and it is the perfect saltly snack! Here is a picture of me and the kids plucking brussel sprouts off the stalk. It was only $1.99 for the whole thing and the kids loved helping me out. I was able to fill a gallon bag 3/4 of the way full with the brussel sprouts. You are most likely thinking that these all sound SO gross. Well, get out there try something ELSE new and share with me. Challenge me to try something new too!

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