Saturday, January 10, 2009

All Right People...

It is January of 2009! This is your year to embrace the full concept of taking care of your body! I want to start off this blog by sharing some of my struggles and victories. Many people have commented before that weight loss or maintanence comes easy for me because I am a trainer and work out ALL THE TIME! WEll, those comments and assumptions are WAY off base. I do work out consistantly and try to eat moderately, but that doesn't mean I don't fail at these attempts from time to time. The few things I do have going for me are: I do love to exercise. The endorphines released during exercise make me feel great and give me energy to get through my day. I also love to eat fresh fruits and veggies every day. This helps in filling me up with fiber and good carbohydrates. Some things that I struggle with are: I LOVE sweets (as I am typing I am eating a piece of chocolate...I know, I know!) I also love to exercise so much that it is tempting to want to over do it to achieve better results, but I don't encourage this and I work very hard to keep an overall balance. Today my husband and I took our measurements like we have for the last 4 months. I have to say that I haven't eaten the best nor exercised as consistently as I would have ideally liked to but I have still made progress. I want to share with you that I have lost 12 inches and 17 lbs! I was thrilled to see how far I had come by just doing a little bit each day to eat better than the day before and by getting in a fair amount of exercise. Now, if you are reading this and thinking -

a) Good for you but I don't want or like to do any of that!
b) I can't do that...I just don't have good genetics.
c) I want to do it but I am not ready to change.
d) I can do it for a short time but I know I will "fall off the wagon" again, so why try.
e) I would rather peel potatoes with my teeth than to exercise or sweat.
f) I don't have time between work, kids, dinner, laundry, church, etc.
g) I don't have the luxury of going to the gym

I want you to think about this -

a) What do you want to change?
b) Why do you want to change?
c) How can you make small changes in order to see results?
d) Do I have enough faith in myself to set a goal and see it through?
e) What will motivate me to get moving?
f) What will motivate me to change how I eat?
g) Do I have someone that can help keep me accoutable?
h) Is my health suffering?

After asking yourself these questions...what are YOU going to do about it?!

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